Aleksandar Vasić (Belgrade, October 8th 1965) graduated from the Department of Musicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade (1990) and received his Master’s degree from the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2004), with his thesis: Literature on music in the Serbian Literary Herald 1901–1941. He obtained his PhD degree from the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad (2012); the title of the thesis: Serbian Interbellum Music Writings in the corpus of Music Periodicals.
Aleksandar Vasić was awarded scholarships from the State Foundation for Youth Research and Artistic Development, and from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the Republic of Serbia. In 1994 he became an assistant-researcher at the Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. He was promoted to research associate in 2013.
The main sphere of his work is the history of Serbian musical criticism, literature on music and periodicals from the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Published studies and articles in journals and monographs in the field of musicology and literary history, as well as in the musical and literary journals and newspapers, include: Zvuk [Sound] (Sarajevo; Zagreb), Musicological Annual (Ljubljana), Zbornik Matice srpske za scenske umetnosti i muziku [Matica Srpska’s Journal for Stage Art and Music], Reč [Word], Temišvarski zbornik [Matica Srpska’s Timisora Review], Muzikologija [Musicology], Naučni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane [Days of Vuk Stefanović-Karadžić: Slavic Symposium], Pro musica, Zadužbina [Foundation], Politika: Kultura – umetnost – nauka [Politika’s Literary Supplement], Književne novine [Literary Gazette] etc. He participated in national and international scientific conferences at the Institute of Literature and Art, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Matica Srpska, International Slavic Centre of the Faculty of Philology, the Serbian Slavic Association etc.
Since 1998 A. Vasić has been a member-collaborator of Matica Srpska, Novi Sad. In 2020 he was elected as a member of the Board of Matica Srpska’s Department of Stage Arts and Music, and a member of the editorial board of the Matica Srpska’s Journal for Stage Art and Music. In the same year he became a member of the Board for the Protection of Musical Heritage of the Serbian Academy.
He has been a member of the editorial board of Muzikologija, the international journal of the Institute of Musicology SASA, since its establishment (2001). In 2020–2021. he was the editor-in-chief of the magazine Muzikologija.
He is cooperating on the Serbian Dictionary of the National Biography [Srpski biografski rečnik] as well as on the Serbian Encyclopaedia [Srpska enciklopedija]. He was the editor, co-selector and consultant for classical music, musicology and musical criticism in the lexicon Who’s Who in Serbia in 1995 and 1996.
He was a member of the Editorial Council of the Belgrade Art Society; in the same publishing house editor of the musicology edition „Musica viva” and the edition of classical literature „Antika” [Antiquity]. In the publishing house „Feniks Libris” he was the editor of the lexicographic edition and the edition of ancient literature.
He was a music critic for the Politika, also contributing to programmes of TV Belgrade and the Third Programme of Radio Belgrade.
He was a member of the research group on the bilateral Greek-Serbian scientific project Modern Greek and Serbian Art Music: Fundamental Research for a Comparative Study (University of Athens and the Institute of Musicology SASA, 2005-2007). In 2015 he managed the project Digitization of interwar Belgrade music periodicals at the Institute of Musicology SASA.
He has been a collaborator on the scientific project of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad, Music and Theater: Modalities of Coexistence in the National Practice of the Modern Era (supervisor: Dr. Katarina Tomašević).
From 2012 to 2016 he was a professor of History of Music at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade.
He was a member of the Management Board of the Institute of Musicology SASA from 2014 to 2018.
Current projects
Музика и театар: модалитети сапостојања у пракси модерног доба, руководилац: др Катарина Томашевић, Матица српска, Нови Сад (2017–)