Jelena Jovanović, Ph.D.



Born in 1964 in Belgrade; finished „Mokranjac“ Secondary Music School (Music Theory and Piano Departments) in 1983, graduated in 1991 (mentor Prof. Dr D. Dević), acquired master’s degree in 2001 and doctoral degree in 2010 (mentor Prof. Dr D. Golemović) at the Ethnomusicology Department, Faculty of Music. Employed in the Institute of Musicology since 1992, since 2021 as Principal Research Fellow. She was elected for a Corresponding member of the SASA on 8th November 2019.

The main fields of her scholar work: elements of rural vocal tradition of Šumadija region and central Serbia – Serbian musical dialects in geographic and in diachronic perspectives; Serbs’ in Romania vocal tradition layers in cultural and historical contexts; traditional music performance and reception; applied ethnomusicology; folklore motives in Yugoslav popular music of the 1970s.

She published five monographs; three as the only author: Old Wedding Songs and Customs in Gornja Jasenica (2002), Vocal Tradition of Jasenica Region in the Light of Ethnogenetic Processes (2014), Vocal Heritage of the Serbs in Upper Banat Region in Romania (2015) and two in coauthorship: Hey Rudnik, You Old Mountain (with R. Petrović, 2003) and Kosovo and Metohija – A Musical Image of Multiculturalism in the 1950s and 1960s (with D. Lajić Mihajlović, double CD with a large booklet, 2018).

She compiled collections: Sava Ilić, Folk Melodies of Serbs, Šokci and Karaševci in Romania (2006), and collection of Post-Byzantine neumatic church melodies by Vladimir Lj. Jovanović, Anthology or Cvetoslovlje (2017). She also compiled audio editions: CD What echoes through the green mountain? (2007) and CDs of young vocal ensembles in Serbia she cooperated with in workshops for traditional singing, in Topola (2006) and Boljevac (2020). She took part in producing audio editions of vocal group „Moba“ (1994, 1999, 2001, 2010) and of CD I Want to Sing Vranje Songs to You! (2007).

She was the Editor-in-Chief of the International journal Muzikologija/Musicology (2014–2016), a co-editor of three volumes of scholar papers: Musical Practices in the Balkans (2012), Bela Bartok and Serbian music (2016) and Contemporary Serbian Folkloristics (2022) and of three-lingual, critical edition: Tihomir Vujičić, Musical traditions of South Slavs in Hungary (2020). She is also editor of CD with electroacoustic music by Vladimir Lj. Jovanović, Bellscapes (2018).

She published over 100 scholar studies, papers, reviews and smaller contributions in Serbia and abroad in journals, national and international thematic monographs and collections of papers. She took part on conferences in Serbia, Greece, G. Britain, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Georgia, Czeck Republic, and Estonia. She is the member of ethnomusicological societies in Serbia and abroad (SED, ICTM).

She was the leader of international, inter-academic project Processing of Tihomir Vujičić’s ethnomusicological legacy (2016–2018). As SASA member, she is coordinator of a project of the SASA Branch in Niš, president of two SASA boards and leader of the Subproject 4 of the Strategic project of the SASA, History and cultural heritage of Serbian people on Kosovo and Metohija.

A member of Study Choir of the Institute of Musicology (1983–1993) and of Church Choir „St. John of Damascus“ (since 1993). One of founders and conductors of female vocal group „Moba“ (since 1993). As a soloist she performs rural and urban songs from Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, and Turkey with the multiinstrumentalist Nenad Vještica Khan. She took part in art performances conducted by director and culture historian Slobodan Dan Paich, Istanbul and San Francisco (2015, 2017, 2019, 2021–2023). She sang the solo vocal part in a syntesis art work The prayer breakfast underneath the wing of White Angel by V. Radovanović (2005, 2006). With pianist J. Janković she performed and recorded solo song Inscription by Vladimir Lj. Jovanović (2022).

In 2003 she was rewarded by the Ministry of Science RS for her scientific contribution.

Projects’ managing


Одбор за заштиту српске музичке баштине САНУ, бр. 080 130, Одељење уметности САНУ и Фонд за научно-истраживачки рад САНУ, председник др Јелена Јовановић, 2020 – .

Одбор за етномузиколошка истраживања САНУ, бр. 080 010, Одељење уметности САНУ и Фонд за научно-истраживачки рад САНУ, председник др Јелена Јовановић, 2021 – .

Потпројекат 4 „Свадба – обичаји и музика Срба у Косовском Поморављу“ Стратешког пројекта САНУ Историја и културно наслеђе српског народа на Косову и Метохији (без броја), 2021–2023, руководилац потпројекта др Јелена Јовановић, руководилац целог пројекта дописни члан др Драган Војводић.

Музичко наслеђе југоисточне Србије, савремено стваралаштво и образовање укуса, бр. О-10-17, Огранак САНУ у Нишу, руководилац проф. Др Данијела Здравић Михаиловић, координатор пројекта др Јелена Јовановић, доп. члан.

Participation in projects


Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Serbia – Making a Difference in Contemporary Society – APPMES. GRANT No. 7750287, – Фонд за науку Републике Србије, Министарство науке Републике Србије, руководилац др Ивана Медић / Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Serbia – Making a Difference in Contemporary Society – APPMES. GRANT No. 7750287, – Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Science RS, leader Dr Ivana Medić.