Katarina Nikolić was born in 1995 in Zrenjanin. She accomplished primary education in the village Jaša Tomić where she grew up, while she finished high music school “Josif Marinković” in Zrenjanin. Katarina graduated with BA and MA studies at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade at the Department of Ethnomusicology where she has been a PhD student since 2021. Her BA studies involved the student exchange in Vigo (Spain) where she attended one semester at the Music Conservatorium. Further, Katarina continued her studies abroad at the International Master Program “Choreomundus” as a part of the Erasmus Mundus project in 2019-2021. During that period she studied in four different countries (France, Norway, Hungary, and United Kingdom) and developing knowledge in the Ethnochoreology and Anthropology of Dance.
Katarina was actively doing research in the area of Banat during integral studies. She did research about gare (a vocal-instrumental dance form), dance event čajanka, bagpipe player Vanja Ilijev, and the calus dance as a part of a carnival ritual called “Fašanke u Grebencu”. She spread the research of the Banat area in 2019 by studying Serbian dance heritage in the village Deszk (South-eastern Hungary) in the Hungarian part of the Banat region. This research and dissertation motivated Katarina to develop the topic of the ongoing PhD research project about the dance events called Balls and the sustainability of the Serbian dance heritage in Hungary. The topics of her research interest are dance, music, minority communities, ritual, identity, and cultural heritage.
Since 2019, Katarina has participated in national and international conferences and symposiums. She is an active member of the international associations such as “Choreomundus Alumni”, “Study Group for Ethnochoreology” and “Study Group of South-eastern Europe” of the International Council for Traditional Music. Further, she was engaged as a teaching associate of the module Ethnochoreology at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade in the academic year 2021/2022. In February 2022, she was employed as a young researcher – ethnochoreologist at the Institute of Musicology SASA in Belgrade. Lastly, Katarina has been active in the field of applied ethnomusicology by teaching and performing traditional vocal music. Currently, she is a part of the project “Choreomundus – The world in dance words” which studies the concept of dance in a plethora of cultures.
Current projects
„Choreomundus – The world in dance words”. Пројекат изводи Кореомундус мастер програм (енгл. Choreomundus), руководиоци др. Егил Бака (Egil Bakka) и Ђурђина Гор (Georgiana Gore).
„Студија о етнокореологији – приручник за наставу у балетским школама“. Пројекат изводе мср Мирјана Раић Тепић, др Милош Рашић и мср Катарина Николић, а финансира Ансамбл народних игара и песама Србије „КОЛО“, руководилац мср Мирјана Раић Тепић