26 Jun Musicology (I/2023)

It is our immense pleasure to inform you that issue no. 34 of the international scientific journal “Музикологија/Musicology” (I/2023) is now published!
The Main theme for this issue, edited by Dr Katerina Levidou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), is dedicated to the “Contemporary Perspectives on Stravinsky”. Together with the Varia section, this publication encompasses 10 original studies written by authors from Serbia, Greece, Portugal, Germany and United Kingdom, as well as two reviews in the Scientific Reviews and Polemics section.
We congratulate Dr Danka Lajić Mihajlović, the Editor-in-Chief, Dr Katerina Levidou, Dr Bojana Radovanović, Editorial Assistant, as well as all the other contributors to the issue.
The realisation of this issue was financially supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.