Seminar “Research of music and dance of Roma in the Balkans” was held on June 11th, 2024 at the Institute of Musicology SASA. The participants were: Katarina Tomašević, Marija Dumnić Vilotijević, Ivana Medić, Belma Oğul, Mehtap Demir Güven, Tamás Hajnáczky, Biljana Sikimić, Lozanka Peycheva, Ventsislav...

It is our immense pleasure to inform you that issue no. 35 of our international scientific journal "Музикологија/Musicology" (II/2023) is now published!The other great news with which we are concluding this year is that our Journal has received an improved category - M23 - from...

Organized by the Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, a national conference with international participation “Dragutin Gostuški’s Oblique Angle” was held on the 23 and 24 November. This conference gathered in the hall of the Audiovisual Archive and Center for...

Dear colleagues, collaborators and friends, It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend a scientific conference entitled “Dragutin Gostuški’s Oblique Angle”, organized by the Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. „Composer and art historian by education, esthetician, theoretician and critic...

Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the call for papers for Muzikologija 36 has been published. The topic of this issue is "Music and Cultural Trauma in Local and Global Contexts". For more information and details on submitting papers, please visit the journal's website:...

The Ninth International Conference on Music and Minimalism Dates: 29 May – 1 June 2024 Location: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia Organizers: Society for Minimalist Music Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) Institute of Musicology SASA  in collaboration with the Belgrade Festivals’ Centre (CEBEF) Keynote speakers: Kevin Karnes, Emory University,...

It is our immense pleasure to inform you that issue no. 34 of the international scientific journal "Музикологија/Musicology" (I/2023) is now published!