Dragutin Gostuški’s Oblique Angle

Dear colleagues, collaborators and friends,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend a scientific conference entitled “Dragutin Gostuški’s Oblique Angle, organized by the Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

„Composer and art historian by education, esthetician, theoretician and critic by vocation, in his time, and even to this day, Dragutin Gostuški was known for his unconventional opinions and views, both on issues concerning the art itself, and on general spiritual movements of his time. Vividly present in many domains of his multifarious activity, he stood out as one of the most striking figures of the intellectual elite of his time. A supporter of classical values and the highest aesthetic achievements of the European culture, incredulous towards the avant-garde tendencies in the 20th-century art and eager to actively participate in ‘predicting the future’ of art and the world itself following several important discoveries in the natural sciences, Dragutin Gostuški left a deep and lasting mark, but at the same time, his imprint remained secluded and solitary. His sharp, often polemically formulated thought often drifted away from the dominant tendencies of his time, to this day remaining insufficiently known, studied and valued, on the periphery of the central trends and interests of contemporary cultural history.

The Conference dedicated to Dragutin Gostuški will, for the first time, bring into the focus of scholarly attention certain aspects, scopes, and contributions of his creative work as a composer, musicologist, music historian, esthetician, theoretician, as well as a music critic and an active collaborator of the electronic media” (from the Foreword to the Book of Abstracts). 

With a goal of celebrating the centenary of birth of one of the most prominent figures of the musical, cultural and societal scene of the 20th century Serbia and Yugoslavia, this conference will be held on November 23 and 24, in the Hall of the Audiovisual Archive and Center for Digitalization of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Knez Mihailova 36, first floor).

A rich and diverse conference program will be followed by a concert dedicated to the jubilees of Dragutin Gostuški and Petar Konjović at the Gallery of the Serbian Academy of the Sciences and Arts, on November 23, 18:00.


Искошени угао Драгутина Гостушког – Програм скупа

Gostuški i Konjović, Program koncerta u Galeriji SANU