Nataša Marjanović (1984, Novi Sad) is a Research Associate at the Institute of Musicology SASA. She graduated in musicology from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade in 2009 and received PhD from the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade in 2016 (thesis Music in Serbian Documentary Prose of the Second Half of the 19th Century, mentor Professor Emeritus Dušan Ivanić). She is employed at the Institute of Musicology SASA from 2010.
Her research interests include Serbian music of the 19th century, Traditional Serbian Church Chant, church music, choral music. Within archival work she is particularly dedicated to legacies of melographers and other figures important for the field of Serbian culture and education in the past and in the present, as well as to preparing the notational and sound editions of Serbian church music. Within the interdisciplinary studies she is focused to the field of Serbian literature as field of sources for musical and cultural history research. She is the author of the monography Music in the Life of Serbs in the 19th Century – from the Memoir Treasury (2019).
She is joined to the project of publishing the Collected Works of Kornelije Stanković as one of the editors, to the project “Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Serbia: Making a Difference in Contemporary Society”, within the program Ideas by Science Fund, Republic of Serbia and the project “A New Ecosystem of Early Music Studies (EarlyMuse)”, within COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
As an associate of Matica srpska, Novi Sad, she worked on the scientific projects “Fundamental Research of Serbian Music of the 18th and the 19th Century” and “Music from the Margins: Contribution to General and Musical Culture and Education”, as well as on lexicographical projects Serbian Biographical Dictionary and Serbian Encyclopedia. She also participated in the project of the Orthodox Encyclopedia (Moscow).
She participated in national and international conferences (Serbia, Austria, Croatia, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Portugal). Her papers were published in national and international journals and edited books, in Serbian, English, German, Russian and Slovenian language. She also gave numerous lectures for wider public.
As the author of the program and the lecturer, she leads (from 2018) the Summer School of Church Chant „In the memory of Kornelije Stanković“ in Sremski Karlovci.
For many years she was a member of the church choir „Saint Stephen of Dechani“ (Novi Sad) and of the Study Choir of the Institute of Musicology SASA. She leads the mixed and children’s choir of the “Holy Trinity Church” in Zemun.
She is a member of Musicological Society of Serbia, International Society for Orthodox Church Music (Joensuu, Finland) and Verein zur Erforschung der Monodiе (Vienna, Austria).
Current projects
“Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Serbia: Making a Difference in Contemporary Society”, програм Идеје Фонда за науку Републике Србије (руководилац: др Ивана Медић)
“A New Ecosystem of Early Music Studies (EarlyMuse)”, COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology (руководиоци радних група: Aleksandra Pister; Andrea Puentes-Blanco, Metoda Kokole)
„Музика са маргина – допринос општој и музичкој култури и просвети“ (Матица српска; руководилац: проф. др Даница Петровић)
„Српско црквено појање у Сабраним делима Корнелија Станковића“, које финансира Министарство културе и информисања РС (Музиколошки институт САНУ; руководилац: проф. др Даница Петровић)